My Premium Domain Name Portfolio & Upcoming Projects

Domain names are the building blocks of the internet. A good domain name builds trust, communicates what the business does and sticks in your mind. It is almost impossible to build a great online brand without a great domain name.

The first domain name I registered was in 2005. I have acquired several good names since then. Some domain names have been developed into websites, and other names are just waiting for life.
Most of the domain names I own are .com names – for obvious reasons. (.com) being the first TLD and the most popular one, it always boasts more credibility and traffic compared to its poorer cousins.
One of my friends suggested that I should write a blog post showcasing my domain names and what I plan to do with them. So here it goes:
Niche Blogs
Blogging is fun. I have always wanted to create kick-ass blogs about cars, bikes, technology and personal finance. There are plenty of opportunities to make revenue from such niche websites; Display ads, affiliate marketing and sponsored reviews are the common ones.
The uncommon way to earn from a blog is to build and sell it for a good price to a larger company. I started in 2008, took it to a million page views a month and sold it to another webmaster in 2012. When I calculate the monthly earnings and the sale price, I had earned more than Rs.50,000 ($800) a month! And was just one of my projects, not my full time job.
I can do the same thing again, and much better this time. Start a website, grow the traffic and revenue, and sell the business. Repeat.
These are some of the premium domain names I have for Tech, Cars and Bikes.
- TechBlogger.comDomain name for the technology blog. This is one of the best names in my portfolio. Planning to publish news & reviews of tech products. Not sure about the USP yet. Do you have any suggestions?
- CarBeam.comName inspired by and will mostly end up serving a specific niche in cars than being an all about cars blog.
- BikerBoy.comBikerBoy will be an online portal for bikers when it starts. Inspired by PlayBoy and LazyBoy! But in the long run, it will become a brand beyond the online portal. I have big plans for
Some of these domain names have dormant sites on them. They will be flushed out and replaced with a brand new site when the time is right.
There is a good chance that in the long run I will just focus on just one niche which I am the most passionate about and also and is the most profitable. Right now I am not sure who will win but it looks like BikerBoy has a better chance than the others 🙂
Education Portals & Forums
Apart from running websites and blogs of my own, I have always enjoyed teaching blogging & online marketing. I have helped people set up blogs and build an audience. I also have consulted CEOs and marketing teams on digital marketing strategies.
While I get better at blogging and online business, I would like to help other people get better at it. Here are some of the names for such projects:
- LearnBlogging.comAn online platform for learning the art of blogging. A brandable, meaningful and memorable name. I could be it a premium coaching program with multiple trainers.
- imspot.comFor an internet marketing discussion forum. Inspired by and One of the shortest and meaningful .com domain names I own.
- EarningMethods.comA blog, newsletter or a learning platform to learn how to make money in the digital world. I hand-registered this in 2007. I have turned down offers up to $1,000 for this name.
- WorkOnline.orgFree online coaching program where people can learn how to work online and earn money. There are too many scams around which promise online job opportunities to innocent internet users. plans to disrupt that market!
Product & Services Business
My bigger dream involves building a great product & services company. Some of the names I have acquired for that purpose are:
- ZapSell.comWill start a blog about inbound marketing, lead generation, lead nurturing & inside sales. Will publish a book and eventually, there will be a products and services built around this content. I have big plans for ZapSell!
- ReachCustomers.comA multi-author digital marketing blog / publication revolving around the topics of traffic, leads, funnels, conversions and retention. May double as an inbound marketing tool for my products & services.
- Infomovie.comPresentation style videos with voice overs are called Infomovies. Such videos are great tools for content & inbound marketing. is the perfect name for a services business that makes such videos.
Websites for Personal Branding
I believe personal branding can take me places, and it has. I enjoy writing, speaking and consulting. Personal branding is important to showcase your expertise. I could be the best digital marketer in the world but if I don’t show it off, no one is going to know.
A while back I wrote a long and in-depth article about how you can brand yourself as an expert through blogging. A must read if you are interested in personal branding.
Domains that I have for helping me in my personal branding journey:
- DigitalDeepak.comThe blog that you are reading right now. An amazing channel to record my learning and experience in the digital marketing field. It doubles as a personal branding tool and a platform to market my books, training courses, and events.
- Deepak.infoAn online vCard that helps me give out links to my blogs and social media profiles to contacts easily. Finding my Twitter or Linkedin profile is just a click away!
- Deepak.meA personal blog where I (will) blog about anything that interests me. This website is yet to go live.
Apart from the above domains I have a bunch of names that do not have clear plans attached to it. Some of the names worth mentioning are:
- (Wife’s name)
- (Kid’s name)
Some domain names are for stealth projects so they will remain hidden from my public portfolio! Don’t want to attract competition 🙂
What do you think about my collection? And what domains do you own? Leave a comment below!
Interesting articles about domain names from this blog:
- An Interview With One of the Top Domain Name Investors from India
- 7 Valuable Tips to Get the Best Possible Domain Name for Your Business
- The Top 3 Secure Domain Name Registrars With Two-Factor Authentication
Updates: I have sold and since I have made this post! Had no plans for and figured out I would never get around to actually building a personal finance blog at