Promote Your Brand with Vinyl Stickers from StickerMule

A brand is not just a logo. A brand is something that people relate to when they think about a product or a service. Think about coffee, and Starbucks comes to mind. Think about electric cars and Tesla comes to mind. A brand is what customers talk about you when you are not in the room.

If you want to build a great brand, there are multiple things you need to do. First, you need to create a product or service that your customers want and need. Getting the product-market fit right is not just important for building a great brand, but for the very survival of the business.
Next step is to provide a great customer service. When people are happy with your products and services, they will recommend your brand to other people. Word of mouth marketing is the most important marketing channel available to brands today. In the social media age, every individual is a publisher and a great product with great customer service goes a long way in building a highly valuable brand.
Just like people are remembered by their faces, brands are remembered by their logos. People recognize a good quality product or service from the sea of available choices through the logo of a brand. To build a strong and valuable brand, it is important for a brand to make sure that their logo is simple, unique, memorable and repeated at as many places as possible.
Take for example, the most valuable brand in the world, Apple. Their logo is simple, memorable and it is repeated in as many places as possible. In fact, consumers feel proud to own an Apple product because it is a status symbol and something to be proud of. Apple laptops have a glowing Apple logo on the back of the screens. iPhones, iPads and iPods have the Apple logo beautifully embedded on the devices.
Apart from all these brand repetitions, Apple also gives a few stickers with each of its products. And people put up these stickers on the back of their cars, notebooks, and other personal items. Stickers, if used by the most valuable brand in the world, should be used by almost every brand out there.
Stickers with logo, tag lines and other brand identifiers are powerful objects in branding. Putting up stickers on your own personal items such as automobiles, doors and other items help you repeat the brand identifier to consumers. Apart from putting up stickers in your own items, you should also give away stickers to your customers.
When we get a sticker for free, we have an inbuilt desire to peel it off and stick it somewhere. There is a kid in us which wants to stick stickers in places where it would look good. When you give away free stickers of your brand to your customers, at least some of them will find its way into places where others can see it. And it is free advertising for your brand.
If you are looking to get stickers for your brand’s logo, I recommend vinyl stickers. Vinyl stickers are the best kind of stickers to because they do not leave a damage when they are peeled off, can be printed in glossy finish and clearly shows your brand’s logo as it is supposed to look. When you get vinyl stickers from a reputed company, they are also waterproof and weatherproof.

If you are looking to order Vinyl Stickers for your brand, I recommend StickerMule. I have been ordering vinyl stickers from them for my brands and I am pretty happy with the quality of the stickers. These stickers are die cut, and they take the shape of your logo. They ship internationally and the best part is that there is no shipping cost even for international shipments.
Once you upload your logo / art work, they will give you a proof. The proof shows exactly what you will get in print and the order will go for printing only after you approve the proof.
If you order higher quantities of stickers, the pricing drops drastically. For 50 stickers, the cost is $57 which puts the cost little bit more than $1/sticker. However, if you order 500 stickers, the cost is only $0.29. For 5000 stickers, the cost drops to as low as $0.14 per sticker.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try out their vinyl stickers. And also check out other cool stickers and magnets they have.