My First Digital Marketing Workshop at IISC, Bangalore

Last weekend I conducted a digital marketing workshop at IISC Bangalore. This was the first time I conducted a workshop and met my readers and followers in person. It was a mind blowing experience.

The workshop had 82 attendees and many people had travelled from far off places to come to this workshop. One person had come all the way from Mumbai!

The training sessions were conducted by multiple trainers. I kick started Day 1 with Introduction to Digital Marketing. I talked about the opportunities in digital marketing, integrated digital marketing and the future of marketing.
Then we had Social Media Introduction by Sharan and SEO session by Shoaib Valai. Day 1 was concluded with an in-depth tutorial to paid advertising with Jayadev, Digital Marketing Manager from Exotel. Along with Jayadev, we showed everyone how to create paid campaigns using Google AdWords, and some basics on ad copywriting and keyword research.
There was not enough time to cover all the concepts because we were limited to 2 days. But in the future we hope to conduct longer workshops with deep dive in every digital marketing module.

Day 2 was kick started with a live demo of registering a domain name and installing a wordpress blog in it. One of the participants was chosen from the audience and we created a website for him. The website is!
After the first session, Suryasnata took a session on Content marketing and blogging. After lunch we had a session on blogging and affiliate marketing opportunities by Shoaib Valai again.

The day was concluded with a session on Google Analytics by Bharathidasan, Digital Marketing Strategist from
Many people have requested for a workshop in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai. I will hopefully conduct one in the near future!

The workshop was facilitated by and a huge thanks to Kushal, the CEO and his team for making this happen! They took care of the entire process from ticketing to organizing the whole event which helped us focus on the content and delivery. Without them, the workshop wouldn’t have been a success!

Looking forward to conducting more workshops in more cities in association with Kushal!
Here are some video testimonials from the participants!
Testimonial from Ayman
Testimonial from Mayank
Do you want me to conduct a workshop in your city? Please leave a comment below and let me know what you want to learn and which city you are from!