Meet Keerthana Chandrasekaran on Interview with Interns
Season 1 – Episode 6

She is our intern from Batch 1 of the DigitalDeepak Internship Program.
An entrepreneur who loves doing some home crafts as well..
Welcome Keerthana..
[cheers and claps]
Hello, How are you?
Hello Sir, I am doing good.
So, how did this all begin? Tell us your story?
In one of my casual conversations with a friend about transitioning her retail business of sustainable products online, I found digital marketing to be an ocean that I could dive deeper and learn more. This instigated an interest in me to do something around these social platforms.So, I began to learn digital marketing online by myself.As an amateur, I too struggled and was overwhelmed with a lot of information on the internet.
After attending the Internship Program, it gave me a clear vision and helped me lay the foundation for a successful business.
What describes you? What do you have to offer to people?
As an entrepreneur-working mom, I wanted to help fellow entrepreneurs to grow their business with my digital marketing expertise. I help entrepreneurs looking to increase their visibility online, generate hot leads and grow their business.
How important is digital marketing for your business?
Digital marketing has given me the best learning and growth experience of my life.Today’s business thrives on digital platforms and I believe that it is highly important for non-digital businesses to move closer to the digital space.
Could you share your journey with us? Your life before and after the Digital Marketing Internship Program?
Everyone’s journey is going to look different and my path is special and that’s the beauty of it.I started my Digital Marketing business and I wasn’t sure in which direction I wanted to take my business to. I had no clue what I was doing but I did not regret trying. It is so easy to get stuck in the cycle of not knowing where to start. There were so many options out there that it was hard for me to figure out what it was that I needed. It was frustrating and overwhelming. I didn’t want to waste my energy googling everything and waste months of my time trying to figure out everything and worrying if I am making a mistake or heading in the right direction. I chose to learn from an expert and that’s you, so that I can do without stress. I was eagerly looking forward to a new start on Dec 18,2019 with your internship program, as it also happens to be my birthday that day. This program guided me to do exactly what I should do in my business. I could envision the next steps and knew I could make it happen. I made incredible connections and friendships with like-minded people through this program and became a Certified Digital Marketing Expert.
What do you think digital marketing would be like one year from now?
It’s the way forward for any business. When you invest in marketing your business it will always PAY OFF! People buy from brands so it’s really important to showcase your brand values throughout your website, ads, emails and social media.
What is the most common reason for people failing/giving up?
Your mindset is one of the greatest gifts and equally can be your worst enemy. Instead of telling yourself that you don’t know how to do X,Y or Z. Tell yourself that you are committed to figure it out.
What were the roadblocks that you had to watch for?
Ready to learn but failed to act and implement what is learnt. We often avoid getting started because we are afraid of getting our hands dirty and not ready to try. If you are starting a business, trying to grow it, struggling with doing many things, my advice is to “Keep Going”.
How about something to help people to get started, What resources are available out there in the market?
Digital Marketers e-course from Online Business University.
Next set of questions are candid, are you ready?
Yes Sir,
What do you consider your biggest blessing?
To learn from an expert who has been in my shoes to tell me exactly what to do instead of countless hours to google everything. To see my goals that I’ve been dreaming of, become a reality.
What do you wish you knew more about?
I wish I knew more about effective usage of Digital marketing tools and innovative branding techniques
What are some small things that make your day better?
Reading books, listening to kid’s stories, sea shell crafts and decorating home.
Finally, would you like to say something to our readers?
Don’t wait, don’t waste your time googling and hounding facebook groups with questions. Pay someone for their expertise and knowledge and this will get you the results you need. Deepak Sir’s Internship Program is one of them, it will change your life! You will learn a lot..
How was your experience doing this interview?
I absolutely loved this! So grateful for you and your Internship Program..
Thank You! Wishing you the best in your future endeavours
Thank you