How I Convert 32.3% of My Visitors to Subscribers Using OptinChat Campaigns

Converting visitors into subscribers is one of the most important tasks for a blogger or publisher. Because increasing the email subscriber base is one of the best ways to build an audience.

There are other ways to build an audience such as Social media followers, notification subscribers and so on. But nothing beats the engagement and personalization of emails.
Many tools can convert visitors into email subscribers. One of the most commonly used methods is the lightbox popup that blocks the screen. The popups are sometimes triggered with a time delay and sometimes triggered on an exit when the mouse cursor moves out of the window.
However, lightbox popups have lost their novelty. It is still a form, but instead of being hosted on a page, is accommodated in a modal which hovers on top of the existing page. Email ID collection hasn’t evolved for quite some time. It has always been “form” in one form or the other.
OptinChat collects information through an automated chat instead of boring forms. It pops up in the bottom right corner of the screen without blocking a huge portion of the website. And it interacts with the user in a very engaging way.

OptinChat has given me more conversions than any other tool I have tried so far.
The OptinChat module across the website is giving me 13.37% conversion from unique visitors to email IDs.

But then I tried OptinChat “Campaigns”. Campaigns are page specific OptinChat modules which show a message that is specific to every page. I have created only two page specific campaigns so far – but I am mind-blown by the results. It is giving me more than 2x conversion of the general campaigns!
You can see that I have installed OptinChat on a page which talks about my Blogging Course. I have collected 271 emails from 953 unique impressions.
That’s an insane 28.4% conversion ratio!
In another page which hosts an article on Facebook, I’ve 126 emails from 390 unique impressions. That’s 32.3% conversion! I’ve never seen such conversion ratios with any other tool!

I would say that OptinChat is the holy grail of engaging users and getting the highest possible conversion ratio as possible.
So give OptinChat a try!
And here’s a 2-min video tutorial on it:
Go ahead and create a free account at Campaigns is a pro feature, but you can request for a free 30-day trial and give page specific campaigns a try.
Disclaimer: I am one of the co-founders of OptinChat. But the numbers here are very real 🙂