Success! You’ve Registered for the Free Blogging Course
Your registration for the free blogging course is confirmed. You will get the lessons to your email inbox directly.
It might take up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive at your inbox.

Let’s Prevent Emails from Going to Spam
To make sure that you receive all my emails, you can add to your contacts list. In Gmail, open the mail, hover the mouse over the icon shown below and click Add to contacts.

Prevent Emails from going to Updates Tab
Usually, emails from my email marketing tool would end up in the Updates tab if you are using Gmail. First step is to drag the emails and put it on the Primary tab.

The second step is to click on Yes, to do this every time I send you an email.

Doing the above steps will make sure that you do not miss any of my emails 🙂
All the best for your blogging journey. I hope this course helps you become a successful blogger.